An update regarding COVID-19 in Vallaskóli

Dear families of students in Vallaskóli.
An update regarding COVID-19 in Vallaskóli, lates developments.

After a discussion with a doctor at HSu, we were informed that all students, teacher and a assistant teacher in the quarantined 7th grade mentioned in our earlier email have been tested for COVID-19. This test has shown that two more students have tested positive for the Coronavirus (3 cases in total). The Directory of Health is at this moment hard at work trying to find the source of these infections. Further information on this matter is not available at this moment.

Given this information it is good to have in mind, if you are thinking of being tested, not to hesitate to make a request about that. If you do so, it is simplest to contact 1700 or HSu directly. The threshold for that is very low, according to the hospital staff at HSu.

Representitives of our local health care and The Directory of Health have informed us that the infections had occured in quarantine, and the school should not change its strategy at this point. School administrators comply with those directives.  However, this might change as the situation progresses day by day. The media follows this progress closely.

We hope the The Directory of Health will be able to contain this outbreak, but it is imperative to be cautious; keeping the rule of distance, wash your hands and sanitise thoroughly. We also like to remind you as we did earlier at the beginning of school that parents who come into the school builidings, during schoolhours, have to wear mask and gloves. Futhermore, not to send students to school who have flu like symptoms.

We are all civil protection in this matter. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Appropriate exercise and rest is vital in these times.

We will keep your informed as things develops, and as soon as we have more information.

Best regards,

Guðbjartur Ólason