End of the week

Vallaskóli 6.11.2020

Dear families.

Here is an update at the end of the week. The situation after the changes of decease control, from the 3rd of November to 17th of November.To begin with we would like to praise all students for their calmness, resolute and good adherence to all decease control regulations these last days. Your children are true geniuses.

Yourselves, parents and guardians we also thank for your understanding and cooperation. E.g. at least 90% of students have arrived at school with multiuse masks. That is fabulous.

The staff at Vallaskóli has faced these challenges as one man and kept the school going. It cannot be denied that the staff has been under enormous pressure. They have gone up and beyond their duties while solving each dilemma after the other in a professional way. Gratitude is therefore upmost in the mind of us school administrators.

The next days will be according to the last governmental regulation and the same layout that was sent the second of November. It is still in affect until the 17th of November.

One slight change has though been made after further interpretation of the regulation by authorities. This change adheres to that students in a defined space (usually a homeroom class) cannot engage other students that belong a different space. This change affected the implementation of special education, teaching in the multicultural department, vocational studies, brakes and the afterschool Bifröst. Furthermore, students in 3.-10. class will leave school in intervals.

Please bear in mind, that students that share the same space in school are not supposed to interact after school. See hér (https://www.landlaeknir.is/servlet/file/store93/item40636/Samkomutakmarkanir-og-b%C3%B6rn-2.10.2020.pdf) um Samkomutakmarkanir og börn.

Stay safe and adhere to disease control advice and remember that we are all civil protection.

Best of regards.

The staff of Vallaskóli.