A letter to parents

Vallaskóli 9.12.2020

Hello everyone!

In this letter we will discuss three topics:

1.    The extension of disease control regulation from the 10th of December 2020 to 12th of January 2021.
2.    Christmas festivity 18th of December 2020.
3.    Returning to school after Christmas holiday.


1. The government has ratified the chief doctor of immunology cautious suggestions that will be enforced from the 10th of December 2020 until the 12th of January 2021. The only changes that will be made to school activities are that students in the 8.-10. grade are no longer required to use masks and the 2 m social distancing rule does not apply any more to the said student-group. Everything else remains the same.

2. Christmas festivity (litlu-jól) on the 18th of December will be different this school-year. Students in all age-groups will only interact with other students in the same space as they have been up on till now. No large gatherings will take place this year. Students are expected to attend school at 8:10 am with their home teacher in their homeroom. These festivities are expected to be concluded about 9:30 am. And students can then return home or attend after-school (frístund). The school bus will be scheduled according to this.

3. Students will return to school after Christmas holidays on the Tuesday the 5th of January, according to schedule.

And as always:
Please bear in mind, that students that share the same space in school are not supposed to interact after school. See hér (https://www.landlaeknir.is/servlet/file/store93/item40636/Samkomutakmarkanir-og-b%C3%B6rn-2.10.2020.pdf) um Samkomutakmarkanir og börn.

Stay safe and adhere to disease control advice and remember that we are all civil protection.

Best of regards.

The staff of Vallaskóli.